GGD Gelderland Zuid
Up-to-date information about travel & health via Wachtkamerschermen®
GGD Gelderland-Zuid protects, monitors, and promotes the health of residents in 14 municipalities in Gelderland-Zuid. There are many departments within the GGD, including the Travellers' department. In this department, travellers are advised on necessary and recommended vaccinations for their destination country. Administering the vaccinations is also part of their duties.
Informing during waiting
GGD Gelderland-Zuid operates a travellers' clinic. Travellers make an appointment and are personally assisted by a doctor or nurse. Sometimes, travellers have to wait a bit before their turn: a great opportunity to provide them with information via a Wachtkamerscherm®!
Since early 2015, the Travellers' department of GGD Gelderland-Zuid has been using Wachtkamerschermen® at two locations: Nijmegen and Tiel. The Wachtkamerscherm® is used to display announcements and information from the Travellers' department, offer travel & health tips, and show the availability of staff.
Easing the waiting time
Another role of the Wachtkamerscherm® is to ease the waiting time. Music is played through the screen, making the waiting area less quiet and increasing privacy (reducing the chance of conversations being overheard). The music is positively received by both the waiting patients and the reception staff: "Lovely music, it's not so quiet here anymore!"
Calm layout
GGD Gelderland-Zuid is pleased with the Wachtkamerscherm®: "The layout of the screen looks calm because we used a white background for the texts. This makes the screen stand out in the waiting room, and the texts are clear and readable from every corner of the room."
The Wachtkamerscherm® is frequently watched: "We often see people looking at the screen while waiting, and we keep the information as current as possible." However, the reception staff have noticed that mainly people aged 30 and over watch the Wachtkamerscherm®: "We see that young people are often busy with their phones. To attract their attention, we create a nice mix of texts, videos, and animations. The more people watch the screen, the better!"